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Aged Care Advice

Elderly hands on walking cane, aged care

At Hyland Financial Planning, we have extensive experience in planning for residential aged care.

There are so many factors to consider when searching for the appropriate services to ensure that the transition to residential care is seamless, and comfortable as possible. ‘Your financial future, tailored your way’ is our philosophy, and everything we do, from initial communications through to establishing your needs, underpins this goal.

Being well-planned and ready to put your strategy into place for residential aged care, is not only sensible, but it also helps both you and your family throughout the entire process to adapt to a changing environment.

You may like to ask your adviser to facilitate a family meeting which will begin the discussion. So by engaging Hyland Financial Planning to facilitate this family meeting, you will be able to openly:

  • Discuss options and preferences
  • Explore each person’s concerns, and address them
  • Decide who needs to be involved in any aspect of the planning

Open discussions are the first step to an effective decision-making process and will be imperative in making choices that suit your individual needs. Your adviser can provide advice, and they can also offer an impartial and objective view, which has been developed through years of experience in working through these issues with other families. Many people choose to write a list of things that help them make this decision in a concise way.

With a personalised approach, Hyland Financial Planning helps clients connect with their purpose and choose an approach that is suited to their individual needs.

Listings: Search by postcode for the list of aged care facilities in your preferred location and check accommodation fees on www.myagedcare.gov.au

Placement Services: Search the internet for aged care placement services for advice and help to choose a service and negotiate a place

Application form: Use the generic application form to apply for a place. Available from www.myagedcare.gov.au Anytime your circumstances change it is important to consider the impact it has on your estate plans. This includes when you move into aged care.

Your adviser can identify the consequences of any financial restructures and highlight issues that affect your will and specific investments. Your solicitor can review and redraft the will to reflect your wishes and establish documents to grant the desired powers.

For more information or to find out more about how Hyland Financial Planning can support you during this transition, please contact us.

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Hyland Financial Planning provide expert advice across the Lower North Shore area, Hornsby and Sydney CBD to talk to an expert in retirement planning, financial advice or how to get the most from your super book a meeting at one of our convenient offices.

Suite 403
20 George St
Hornsby NSW 2077